On behalf of Council of Asian Pacific Americans and Sponsors, you are cordially invited to attend quarterly Simply the Best (STB): Asian Culture & Education Seminar Series.

Click here to view STB event flyer

CAPA hosts the quarterly Simply the Best: Asian Culture and Education Series #6 on Our Heritage & Generations on Sunday, November 04, 2018, from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM at KACCM, 24666 Northwestern Hwy, Southfield, MI 48075.



Ethos Pathos Logos
Youth Leadership Program Graduation
Apply Asian Culture & Leadership mindset into daily life


Sunday, November 04, 2018 from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM (registration begins at 1:00 PM)


Click here to register


24666 Northwesterm Hwy,
Southfield, MI 48075

FREE Admission by October 31, 2018. Seats are limited & register to attend!

For all questions, please contact stb@capa-mi.org or CAPA Executive Director Ms. Ngoc Do at (810)701-1774.

Simply the Best (June 2017) – Recap

This free admission event emceed by CAPA’s youth Committee, Emily Xiong, Kimmily Qin, Ryan Dong and Samuel Cao. The Fantastic Four have done an outstanding job. They brought such a fresh air and showcased the bright future of our APA community. There were over 40 attendees from all age groups, including youth under 18, young professionals, and community leaders. Attendees had a chance to network and taste some Asian Hors d’oeuvre donated by 168 KTV Bistro. Concert Pianist Dr. Randall Faber played the amazing piano piece by Johann Sebastian Bach. CAPA also presented the “Who’s Who” slide show to introduce the Asian Pacific American Leaders in Michigan and all attendees shared their own 30 seconds power speech.

The main panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Ryan Rosario, the President of FILAMCOO, a renowned Philippine American leader. The theme topic is “Same Language for Art & Business” – Learn the Secrets to Success from the Dynamic Speakers”. The panelists came with diverse backgrounds; an Entrepreneur Artist – Dominic Pangborn: CEO of Pangborn Design; an Entrepreneur Musician – Randall Faber: CEO of Faber Piano Adventures; an US-China Business women and APA Nonprofit organization leader – Angela Wang Beasinger: President of CAPA. The panelists shared their life stories and discussed how the culture heritage and their experience in Asia impacted their careers, how art or culture has played any role in their careers and business. Should we emphasize our unique cultures or try to blend in and how to overcome stereotyping and other hurdles in their pursuits? The discussion provided food for thoughts and tips for success. They shared that Passion, Persistence, Pursuit of your own dream are the key ingredients to success and happiness. Stages of Just Do it, I Can Do it, We Can Do it and We are good at it are they nature path of inspiration others. The session closed with participants with smiling faces. This is one of most laughter filled session with lots of new perspective for everyone to take him with. People are exchanging contact information, requesting signatures, taking photos with speakers. Read more >>>

Simply the Best (Q1/2017) VIDEO