We are trying to fill various types of Service Desk needs for General Motors that require candidates be bilingual in English and one of the following languages: Korean, Thai or Bahasa (Indonesia). Ideally these will be candidates with some Information Technology experience, recent college grads, and/or those with some IT training and customer service experience. We have a unique opportunity for IT Professionals looking to get their foot in the door at General Motors being part of their Global IT Service Desk.

We have start dates for July 1, 2014 and July 8, 2014 due to scheduled training windows.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope to hear from you.

Have a great day,

Steven Tague | DELIVERY LEAD
T 248.728.9556 | M 586.872.0233 | stague@TEKsystems.com
888.294.9360| F 248.728.9597
20750 Civic Center Drive, Suite #400, Southfield, MI 48076