Dr. Meriam Caboral-Stephens
Dr. Meriam Caboral-Stevens has almost 40 years of professional nursing experience, that started in Brooklyn, NY. She worked as a critical care and cardiology nurse at Kings County Hospital for 15 years. While completing her master’s degree she helped establish the heart failure clinic at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn NY, where she worked as a heart failure nurse practitioner and researcher for 12 years. She transitioned into academia while completing her PhD in nursing at the Graduate Center of the CUNY. She moved to Michigan in 2016 and is currently a tenured Associate Professor at the School of Nursing and a Senior faculty at the Center for Health Disparities Innovation and Studies at Eastern Michigan University. Since joining CHDIS, Dr. Caboral-Stevens has been focusing on community-engaged research particularly in increasing disaggregated data and decreasing health disparities among Asian Americans, particularly Filipino Americans in MI. Dr. Caboral-Stevens is Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine and is in the Class of 2024 Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.