Standing Committees
Communications & Marketing Committee
Chair: Vacant; Member: Vacant
Communications & Marketing Committee’s responsibilities consist of developing and sending CAPA’s regular electronic newsletter to keep CAPA’s members and the Asian Pacific American community informed of CAPA’s activities, community events, Asian Pacific American news and opportunities. The Chair shall delegate relevant duties to committee members, such as researching local community events and news, or writing short summaries of CAPA events.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Perform necessary research and outreach to stay informed about local Asian Pacific American community events and news
- Write summaries of CAPA events, announcements, and other items as needed
- Perform necessary research and outreach to stay informed about relevant national/regional Asian Pacific American news and opportunities, such as internships, fellowships, calls for proposals, etc.
- Maintain contact with national/regional organizations such as the Organization of Chinese Americans, Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund, etc. for important news and action alerts
- Maintain contact with the Michigan Governor’s Advisory Council on Asian Pacific American Affairs for important Michigan Asian Pacific American community news and action alerts
- Develop monthly CAPA electronic newsletter to keep CAPA’s members and the Asian Pacific American community informed of CAPA’s activities, community events, Asian Pacific American news and opportunities
- Send CAPA President the electronic newsletter for final approval
- Send electronic newsletter to CAPA’s members and other Asian Pacific American community members
- Work with the CAPA webmaster by recommending changes and updates to CAPA’s website and blog
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Community Service Committee
Chair: Eleonor Jenks; Member: Vacant
Community Service Committee organizes and participates in projects and services to help the Asian and the mainstream community.The Committee’s participates in specific projects and activities deemed appropriate by the Board such as the following:
- Promote healthy eating and dieting
- Provide Flu vaccinations
- Hold an event for young people
- Create and sustain ongoing community outreach programs
- Work with other service organization to provide community services.
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Cultural Committee
Chair: Suman Desaraju; Members: Arcie Gemino
Cultural Committee targets one of CAPA’s primary objectives. It promotes greater cultural awareness and understanding of Asian American cultures.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Oversee the implementation of cultural activities duly approved by the board
- Recruit volunteers and organize working committee for a designated cultural event
- Facilitate and coordinate planning and implementation of the event
- Execute CAPA’s annual cultural event, the Splendor of the East (SOE)
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Education Committee
Chair: Krishna Chava; Members: Aneesa Rashid, Anshi Pacha
Education Committee is responsible for developing, organizing, and sponsoring events to educate, encourage, and engage the community to increase Asian Pacific American awareness and participation.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Oversee CAPA’s Scholarship Program
- Conduct special event targeted to APA youth
- Conduct cultural awareness educational activities and/or events
- Conduct workshops that will provide leadership development, lessons in culture, philosophy, current events in preparation for a meaningful life/career.
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Fundraising Committee
Chair: Ryan Rosario, Pina Vyas
Fundraising Committee is responsible for identifying sponsors and funding sources to support and cover CAPA’s Programs and projects and other board-approved supports to the APA community.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Identify and engage new sponsors each year
- Plan and set-up fundraising events focus on raising funds to defray current operating costs
- Use Advisory Board to help establish connection with potential donation partners
- Actively pursue donations from current sponsors
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Membership Committee
Chair: Gongju Zoe Baek; Member: Vacant
Membership Committee’s responsibilities include presenting new member applications to the board for approval, sending approved members a formal CAPA welcome letter, maintaining the membership database, maintaining membership applications, and conducting at least one membership drive each year.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Collaborate with other committees to promote new membership
- Bring new membership applications to each CAPA event
- Continue the Asian Food Tasting Festival, our only member-only event
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Nomination Committee
Chair: Ryan Rosario; Members: Pina Vyas, Arcie Gemino, Katherine Lee
This Committee provides a single slate of candidates for the Board of Directors (BOD) for election of Officers and the Board of Directors.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Conduct the membership annual meeting in November of each year for the election of Officers and the Board of Directors
- Solicit qualified individuals from the organizational members and individual members for election (of officers and new Board members)
- Prepare the ballot for new officers and present them to the general membership (in writing) by email or regular mail at least two weeks prior to the November meeting when the annual election is held.
For additional information about this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Publicity Committee
Chair: Joseph Javier; Co-Chair: Nikhil Sabharwal
Publicity Committee is responsible for the promotion of CAPA’s organizational and signature events to the media, APA community and the community at large.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Prepare and distribute press releases
- Effectively publicize CAPA’s event thru newsletter, special mailings, etc.
- Work with CAPA Communication Chair to jointly publish all the upcoming events to media and to the community
- Maintain strong relationship with media contacts.
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.
Chair: Anshi Pacha
Youth Committee’s duties and responsibilities involve a process of two sided self transformation of leadership and skills. This leadership involves the empowerment of the youth. Each members will develop their shared responsibilities in leadership among each other, develop their relations within the non-profit organization, and how they will relate to others.
CAPA recognizes the involvement of external responsibilities and activities of the youth and conflicts. Empowerment will diminish intimidation, foster proactive and shared leadership, and nurture the youth’s abilities to take active roles in the community and how these skills can be utilized outside of the community.
Outreach to other youth outside his or her communities and institutions.
Committee’s charge is to:
- Collaborate, learn, and bring new ideas to CAPA and its committees
- Generate workshops and seminars for the youth
- Volunteer for events
For additional information or to inquire about volunteering for this Committee, please contact the Chair named above.